...of my blog lah! Yes, it's been a really long time since I last posted anything in this space. In fact, I was reasonably confident that my blog had already seen its last entry - after all, who actually reads it or bothers about it, right? But for a number of months already, I've been pondering about this comment that a reader had left, and in this comment she explained in not too much detail that one of the entries in this blog had encouraged her - I can't even remember offhand which entry it was now, but from what I do remember it wasn't one of my "pet" entries, i.e it was a "blast and forget about it" kind of entry, not one that I had spent an unusually long time on or that I had devoted too much thought to.(afternote: after checking, I realised it was one of my "pet entries", although it didn't take too long to come up with, it still did hold some significant meaning for me) Anyway, as I read that comment that she had left, I remember thinking "now isn't that why I created a blog in the first place? Not to describe in vivid detail my daily, quotidian (and, very often, boring) routine, but rather to share thoughts and reflections on things that matter to me, whether they be songs, situations, Bible passages or whatever, and in the process hopefully someone somewhere who comes across my blog would see some sense or be encouraged by what I have to write.
Well that was a lost vision for a number of months, though somewhere in the back of my head I still remembered my blog and what it could have been.... until just - yeah, like maybe half an hour ago as of 022040H (or 8.40pm GMT +8 on the 2nd of October to you civilians out there) - when I read the newly started blog of a friend, and learnt of how his views about blogging were at least somewhat similar, if not identical, to mine. OK, I will admit I have, in the not-so-distant past, been known to require one or several slaps in the face (NOT literally so please don't start getting ideas...) to wake me up to reality. But this was one major WAKE UP CALL, and so it didn't take me too long to decide to respond by doing the only thing that seemed appropriate at the moment - to revive this blog and get it moving again. So here we are, at the end of this very long winded entry, probably not much wiser than we were at the beginning. But it has been said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - I guess my journey of a thousand kliks (kilometres, for those unfamiliar with the slang) just began with a few clicks, hmm?
Well that was a lost vision for a number of months, though somewhere in the back of my head I still remembered my blog and what it could have been.... until just - yeah, like maybe half an hour ago as of 022040H (or 8.40pm GMT +8 on the 2nd of October to you civilians out there) - when I read the newly started blog of a friend, and learnt of how his views about blogging were at least somewhat similar, if not identical, to mine. OK, I will admit I have, in the not-so-distant past, been known to require one or several slaps in the face (NOT literally so please don't start getting ideas...) to wake me up to reality. But this was one major WAKE UP CALL, and so it didn't take me too long to decide to respond by doing the only thing that seemed appropriate at the moment - to revive this blog and get it moving again. So here we are, at the end of this very long winded entry, probably not much wiser than we were at the beginning. But it has been said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - I guess my journey of a thousand kliks (kilometres, for those unfamiliar with the slang) just began with a few clicks, hmm?
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