Monday, December 26, 2005


Ok, so there's this recent hype about the Chronicles of Narnia. Went to watch it a few days ago as a Company outing, and I gotta admit I don't recall ever watching any movie so critically. I probably don't recall as much of it now as I did when i first exited the cinema, but I do remember it's a pretty good movie - though I think it took me something like three quarters of the movie to begin to see the Christian themes and parallels that the author of the book has tried to insert.

One particular scene I remember, though, was one where the wolf-dog-thing was about to be killed by the white witch for betrayal, but before she could, he addressed "Your Majesty.....(I can't remember what the rest of the sentence was)" and when the witch began to reply, he said "I mean you no disrespect, but I wasn't talking to you" (he was actually talking to Edmund, coz in that fantasy world they called the 4 humans who would save their land "Your Majesty"). When I saw that scene, the only thing I remember thinking was "Wow. I want to be that sure of who my God is, where my priorities lie, and who my bosses are", and that He and they in return will know that He and they has/have my undivided loyalty. I want to be able to walk into the office, say "Sir" and immediately my boss will be the first to look up from his computer screen, even before any other colleague, specialist or warrant officer can futile-ly attempt to pile work on me (attempt, because they know I can't or at least won't say no; futile because my boss will deflect all the flak for me [not like that's really happening now - that's why I said "I want"]). Alas, this is but mere fantasy, is it not?


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